Welcome to Deen Relief

At Deen Relief, we are committed to transforming lives and building brighter futures. Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide essential support to those in need. From offering food and shelter to delivering education and medical care, we stand by communities worldwide, ensuring no one is left behind. Every day, we take action to address pressing challenges faced by vulnerable people worldwide. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, aiding refugees, or supporting local initiatives, our efforts make a real difference. We believe in the power of community, and through collaboration, we aim to achieve a long-term and positive outcome.
Join us in our mission. Together, we can create a world where compassion and generosity prevail. Explore our programs, volunteer opportunities, and ways to donate. Be part of the change with Deen Relief.

At Deen Relief, every action counts, and your support can change lives

Watch Now – Crucial Update on Palestinian Relief Campaign
Alhamdulillah, thanks to the kind and generous efforts of our donors, some joy and hope have been brought to displaced Palestinians living in appalling conditions in refugee camps. Although this is a great achievement, it is only the beginning. More needs to be done. It is hard to be content when witnessing children and adults overwhelmed with joy and excitement for things most of us outside of Palestine take for granted, like basic water and food. With your continued support and generosity, we hope to make this normal for as many displaced Palestinians as possible.

Current campaigns

We rely on the generous donations of our supporters and the great work of our volunteers in the UK and abroad. Below are our emergency appeals, current and past campaigns that hugely benefit the most needy. This is only possible with your greatly appreciated support.

Save Refugee Children
With Cancer

Join us in making a difference today! There's nothing more heart-wrenching than witnessing the pain of children battling cancer.
Let's come together to bring hope and care to Syrian children facing
this devastating disease.

Palestine Relief Campaign Image
Palestine Relief

Deen Relief is raising funds for the urgent humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in Palestine. We are aware that the immense suffering is an issue so close to everyone’s heart. Please donate what you can.

Bangladesh Orphan

Join us, this Ramadan, in creating a legacy. Your compassion can rewrite a child's destiny, offering the gift of education, nourishment, and a loving home. Join us in creating a legacy of hope and opportunity.

Help Us To Build a School in Rural Bangladesh

Children in rural Bangladesh desperately need your help. Many are eager to learn but lack access to schools. Together, we can change their lives. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal. Join us in making a lasting impact on these children's lives.

Bangladesh clean
water aid project

We believe that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. Our mission is to provide sustainable clean water solutions to communities in need across Bangladesh. We envision a future where every individual has the opportunity to lead a healthy life, unburdened by the challenges of waterborne diseases.

Fulfill Your Duty!
Contribute Zakat Today.

Zakat is a fundamental pillar of Islamic practice, representing the act of giving to those in need as a means of purification and social responsibility. By contributing Zakat, you play a crucial role in uplifting communities, providing for the less fortunate, and fostering a spirit of compassion. Join us in making a positive impact – your support through Zakat transforms lives and helps build a more just and caring society. Give generously today and be part of a powerful force for positive change.

Aid for Homeless
Community UK

Deen Relief has been dedicated to supporting the local homeless community since 2012. In fact, this is our longest running, ongoing campaign. Please help us continue to run this much needed service via monetary and food donations.

Deen Relief Centre For Refugee Children With Cancer
Deen Relief Care Centre for Refugee Children with Cancer