About Us

About Our Story

Deen Relief was established by founding Trustee Shabek Ali in 2013. The Charity’s first activity was assisting the homeless community in Brighton & Hove with hot meals and essentials which continues to this very day. Having been diagnosed with polio as a child, Shabek also wished to help children suffering from long term, debilitating illness and from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. As a result, Deen Relief has evolved to an organisation which today helps needy and orphaned children and vulnerable adults around the world.

Over the years, Deen Relief has delivered aid and relief work in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa. The Trustees at Deen Relief are passionate about bringing long term socio-economic change and improving the health and livelihoods of the world’s most vulnerable citizens. The Charity is proud of its achievements thus far and has a long term vision for sustainable growth so it can maximise the people and communities it helps around the globe.

Deen Relief firmly believes it stands out from the crowd compared to other charities. At every opportunity we try to provide a personal and unique service to both our donors and our beneficiaries, as far as practically possible. We will inform donors where their kind donations are going and, where appropriate, we provide beneficiaries with information about the source of their assistance. We feel this is something missing from the UK charity sector and creates a sense of transparency and goodwill.

Whilst Deen Relief may be considered a small charity, we stand out in terms of the impact we aim to make in the various areas in which we work. We will always do our utmost to ensure aid actually reaches the intended recipients and, if necessary, our Trustees will deliver the assistance themselves or ensure close supervision. Additionally, where our Trustees do not consider the Charity to possess the requisite expertise or capability to deliver a particular project in a specific geographical location, we will partner with a registered organisation with proven competence in the area.

Deen Relief believes in equal opportunity and does not prioritise or differentiate between beneficiaries based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity or any other personal attribute. The Trustees have a shared vision to bring about positive change in some of the world’s most impoverished regions and help vulnerable children and adults alike.




Shalim Wasil Ahmed





To achieve our mission as best as possible, we work with partners who have specialist skills, access or resources required to create the greatest impact for the people we want to help. Partners may be based locally in the Brighton & Hove area or internationally, where our projects are based. Partners may contribute skills, access, resources or knowledge to Deen Relief to help us have the greatest impact. We give our deepest thanks to all our partners who help Deen Relief to reach so many in need locally and internationally.



We are honest and transparent in our fundraising activities, and welcome any queries. We are not affiliated with any political parties or organisations.


We are devoted to our cause of helping and uplifting communities at home as well as abroad, and to use our platform to raise awareness for local and international causes.


We care deeply for the people we aim to help, and for those who work with us, respecting all races, religions, orientations and backgrounds.


Transparency and integrity

Every charity needs to work within the framework set by the Charity Commission and therefore it is essential to have a set of rules and regulations that help with the governance of the charity. These are described in the  Governing Documents available to view. An essential point of our governance is that wherever possible, the Deen Relief team consists of volunteers who are not paid any money so that the maximum amount of funds raised can be used to support the poor, vulnerable or disabled.

The trustees present their annual report and audited financial statements for each financial year ending on 31st July and confirm they comply with the Charities Act 1993, as amended by the Charities Act 2006, the Trust Deed and the Charities SORP 2005. Deen Relief is constituted as a charitable trust registered with the Charity Commission in June 2013 under charity number 1158608. It is governed by a Deed of Trust and it is registered as a Limited Company, Company number: 08593822.

This report will provide an insight into the organisation, its history, its activities, funds raised and key challenges faced by the organisation. This report will specifically point out company vision, objectives, strategy and its governance. 

Deen Relief Ltd, operating as Deen Relief International is a registered charity in England and Wales number 1158608.

Your donations

Following fundraising events, any offline donations (i.e. cash) are recorded in our accounting system by a member of the management team, and witnessed by at least one other member of the management team. At least two trustees will calculate the total money raised and make records of all payments received. An overall assessment of the event will be recorded and discussed during the monthly meeting of the Trustees. The Trustees should meet the beneficiaries and assess how the funds raised will benefit them.

All money must be banked by a Trustee into the Deen Relief account as soon as is possible, be recorded and a receipt obtained. Our financial systems are set up so that donations made to a specific project are used for that project only. General unspecified donations will go into our Unrestricted fund which will be used on projects identified to have the greatest need. Deen Relief commits to spending no more than 10% of Deen Relief’s income on administration and running costs of a charitable organisation.

All contributions are communicated online on the Deen Relief website so that those making a contribution can see where their contributions have gone.


All fundraising activities must adhere to the requirements of the Charity Commission and we will use the Institute of Fundraising for guidelines depending on the nature of the good cause. The Trustees will act as fundraisers though they may appoint volunteers. We do not do door-to-door fundraising or cold-calling.

We do not receive funds from sources that do not permit them to be used and are not effective in helping poor, vulnerable or disabled children or adults, and do not represent or are associated with certain industries or risks that conflict with the mission of Deen Relief.

In order to ensure the above, all new sources of funding must be approved by the senior management team through our internal process.