Deen Relief Logo 2023
Deen Relief’s Bangladesh Housing Project started in 2018 and aims to build more sustainable houses for the poor, orphaned and disabled children, and homeless in the Sylhet region of Bangladesh, one of the poorest areas of the country. Many in Bangladesh can only afford to live in houses made of mud and metal roofing sheets. The geographical location of the country leaves the country very prone to heavy rains and devastating tropical cyclones which can easily destroy the mud houses. Re-building houses may not be an option for some as many do not have the means to and even if they do have the means to re-build their homes, this only provides them with a temporary fix as the houses are still susceptible to damage. As a result of this, many families especially young children and the elderly are left homeless living on the streets, with absolutely no form of shelter over their heads.

The Bangladesh Housing Project hopes to provide these people with greater comfort and security by building for them houses made of bricks which will be more sustainable during times of adverse weather conditions. With your donations thus far, we have been able to build several houses for families there to live in. Each house costs £2500 to build and takes approximately three weeks to complete. The houses are built by Deen Relief’s team members local to Bangladesh and consists of two bedrooms, a lounge and kitchen, and a toilet with a shower (enough for a family of about five). Many people in the Sylhet region at present are homeless or have very little to sustain them long-term. Many are also more prone to illnesses and death as a result of their living conditions which they cannot do anything about. We on the other hand are blessed simply to be able to look forward to our comfortable beds at the end of the day under well-built roof feeling secure. No one chooses to be born poor, but we can choose to bring our hearts together and make a difference in the lives of people who desperately need our help. Please donate however much you can, to create a sustainable safe and secure environment for the needy in Bangladesh